Top Tips for Working Out Outdoors this Summer

Summer beckons with longer days and warmer temperatures, making it the perfect time to ditch the gym and take your workouts outside. Exercising in the fresh air isn't just a breath of fresh air for your routine, it brings a wealth of physical and mental health benefits. [1]A study published in Environmental Science and Technology found that exercising in nature reduces stress, anxiety, and depression compared to exercising indoors. Participants reported feeling more revitalised, energetic, and engaged during outdoor workouts.

[2]A clinical trial showed that people who exercised outdoors were more likely to stick with their workout routine compared to those who exercised indoors. The outdoor group also reported experiencing greater feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction with their workouts.

However, when the sun is blazing, a little extra planning is needed to ensure you stay safe and make the most of your workout. Transform your summer workouts into invigorating experiences that leave you feeling cool, recharged, and ready to conquer your fitness goals:

The Perks of Outdoor Workouts

  • Vitamin D Boost: Bask in the natural source of vitamin D, essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system. A little sunshine can also elevate your mood and energise your workout.
  • Mental Wellness Boost:  Outdoor exercise is a proven stress buster, reducing anxiety and depression. Nature's tranquillity can make your workout feel less like a chore and more like a joyful experience.
  • Variety is the Spice of Life: Trade the gym's four walls for parks, beaches, and trails. These diverse terrains offer new challenges and keep your body guessing, leading to better results.
  • Socialise and Get Fit: Outdoor spaces are hubs for group workouts. Join a fitness class, meet new people, and make exercise more fun and motivating.

Essential Tips for Safe Summer Workouts

  • Pick the Perfect Time: The coolest parts of the day are your best friends. Aim for early morning or late evening workouts to avoid the peak heat.
  • Stay Hydrated:  Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. Carry a reusable water bottle and take regular sips to keep your body cool and prevent dehydration.
  • Dress for Success: opt for lightweight, breathable clothes that keep you cool and dry.  Light-coloured clothing reflects sunlight, while hats and sunglasses shield your face and eyes.
  • Shield Yourself from the Sun:  Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to all exposed skin. Reapply every two hours for maximum protection. Whenever possible, seek shade to minimise direct sun exposure.
  • Listen to Your Body:  Be aware of symptoms of heat-stroke like dizziness, nausea, headache, and excessive sweating. If you experience any of these, stop exercising immediately, find a cool place to rest, and rehydrate.
  • Don't push yourself too hard! The heat can be demanding, so adjust the intensity of your workout based on the temperature. Take breaks when needed and cool down thoroughly.

Fun Outdoor Workout Ideas

  • Hit the Beach: Take your run or walk to the sand. The added resistance will give your workout a boost.
  • Park Playground Circuit: Turn park benches, trees, and playground equipment into your own outdoor gym with a full-body circuit workout.
  • Embrace the Trails: Immerse yourself in nature while getting a fantastic cardio and strength workout with a hike.
  • Find Your Zen Outdoors: Unwind with a serene yoga session in a quiet spot in the park, surrounded by the calming sounds of nature.
  • Team Up for Fun: Join a local sports league or gather friends for a game of football, volleyball, or frisbee for a social and active experience.

How AB Performance Training Can Elevate Your Outdoor Workouts

For those seeking an extra edge, our personal training services can be your secret weapon for maximising your outdoor workouts. Here’s how we can help you reach your fitness goals:

  • Customised Plans: Get a workout plan tailored to your goals, taking advantage of the unique features of the outdoors.
  • Perfect Form, Maximum Results: Learn proper technique to avoid injuries and ensure you're getting the most out of each exercise.
  • Stay Motivated, Stay on Track: AB Performance Training provide the motivation and accountability you need to push through challenges and reach your fitness goals.
  • Safety First: We ensure you take the necessary precautions to stay safe outdoors, including proper hydration, warm-ups, cool-downs, and exercises suitable for the environment.
  • Get Creative with Nature's Gym: We will use park benches, hills, stairs, and other outdoor features to create dynamic and challenging workouts.

So, embrace the outdoors, and transform your fitness. Summer is the perfect opportunity!

For more information on our Personal Training Services and to book, visit



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